Thursday, January 24, 2013

Through the Past Dorkily: Send Me an Angel

Editor's note: Through the Past Dorkily is a recurring feature that looks back at the embarrassingly dorky diary I kept as a 16-year-old in 1984.

Monday, January 23, 1984
WAAF Top 5 at Five
1. Sister Christian - Night Ranger
2. Jump - Van Halen
3. Middle of the Road - The Pretenders
4. I Don't Wanna Face It - John Lennon
5. Send Me an Angel - Real Life

What a beat day. Today must have been a continuation of last Friday. [Cute girl] was wicked depressed because [ex-boyfriend] didn't go to the Ozzy concert like he said. I think he was with [a different cute girl]. Hmm.

I finally got [English teacher] to help me on my research paper. Great, now I have 3 days to type it and study for midterms.

This is such a lousy day, I don't want to write anymore. I just wanna go to bed and get today over with!

- The P.O.'d Barbarian

Tuesday, January 24, 1984
WAAF Top 5 at Five
1. Jump - Van Halen
2. Sister Christian - Night Ranger
3. The Heart of Rock n' Roll - Huey Lewis and the News
4. Looks That Kill - Motley Crue
5. Rebel Yell - Billy Idol

Yaah! I got my papers today! Even though the weather was lousy (freezing rain), I passed my road test. [Redacted and redacted] did, too.

I asked Jeremy if [yet another cute girl] was going with anyone. He spoke to his "contact" and told me she isn't. Alright! I'm thinking of asking her to the prom. I might even ask her out earlier. Man, is she hot! I'm thinking about her almost all the time. She is one of the few girls I've ever been really preoccupied with. Actually, it's just her and [redacted cute girl] I've had on my mind all the time but I think I'll concentrate on [the yet another cute girl] because [the second one mentioned] is too messed up because of [ex-boyfriend]. [Redacted], you're something else! Phew.

I picked my subjects for next year already and I'll check 'em out with the Guidance office later.

Like wow, man.

- The (Horny) Barbarian

Postscript: This was the real beginning of my girl crazy phase. Not because I wasn't crazy about them before, but I finally was stirring up the courage to ask one out. I hadn't stayed in one place long enough to so much as take a chance on asking someone out before. There was a girl I really liked when I was at Pickering High School freshman year, but we frickin' moved before I could ask her out. Then it was a couple of years of being the outcast before I could get to this point. As you'll see if you keep following along, things don't necessarily work out with this object of desire, but she was significant in that she was the first girl I ever asked out. And in retrospect, she wasn't THAT hot. But that's neither here not here. At the time, she was the hottest thing going.


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