Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Through the Past Dorkily: Rockin' Every Night

Editor's note: Through the Past Dorkily is a recurring feature that looks back at the embarrassingly dorky diary I kept as a 16-year-old in 1984.

Sunday, January 15, 1984

This was the day boredom is made of. Got up at around 10, had breakfast and did homework. After lunch, we decided to go to the Methuen Mall. I bought 3 magazines and a Judas Priest pin. I lost my Rush pin last week. Came home, did more homework, went to bed.

What a day!

- The Barbarian

Postscript: A few words about the Methuen Mall, which no longer exists. Back in the early '80s, we used to go there fairly often because it was the closest real mall (i.e., non-strip mall) to our podunk town. My favorite spot there was Midland Records, a great little record shop. While my mother would go to Sears or wherever, I would hunker down at Midland and browse through the vinyl from A to Z. They had a great import section. I was mostly interested in hard rock and metal, so I would pick up things like Gary Moore's Rockin' Every Night, a live album only released in Japan (this was during his post-Thin Lizzy, pre-blues, hard rockin' phase). The store also was a Ticketron outlet; I once got tickets for U2 on the Joshua Tree tour in 1987 by getting to Midland after hearing tickets were going on sale that day and getting a wristband. For hot shows like that, it was tough to get tickets. You could never get through on the phone (I failed miserably a few years later trying to get tickets for the Achtung Baby tour), so if you could get a decent spot in line at a ticket outlet, you had a chance. Even then, my seats were behind the mixing board at the Boston Garden, which weren't awful, but were still pretty far from the stage. Anyway, the Methuen Mall also holds less fun memories; my dad ended up working at the Sears there after he lost his job at the nuke plant. Those were not good times.  

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