Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Hoo-ah! It's been a week and I gots lots of kabloggin' to do, so let's get to it. Our little nukular (George Dubya pronunciation) family is doing well. Deb's feeling better, Lily's eating well, and Hannah's having a blast. Lately, Hannah's has spent the first 30 minutes or so after we put her to bed chatting away with her stuffed animals. It's hilarious. "Hi giraffe, how are you? Good night, Dora. See you tomorrow." Deb's taken to listening to the monitor like it was a transistor radio with a Sox-Yankees game in mid-July.

My first official night out since we had Lily was last Saturday with my bro-in-law Steve. We went to the Hockey East finals at the Fleece Center. I was hoping to see UNH play Maine, but my Wildcats choked Friday night against UMass, blowing a 2-0 lead and losing 5-2. So I decided to root for UMass, since they'd never gone that far, and besides, I hate Maine (the hockey team, not the state). Saturday's game didn't disappoint. It went three freakin' OTs, with Maine finally winning 2-1. Both goalies were amazing, but Maine's Jimmy Howard made some simply ridiculous saves. UMass really poured it on with 64 shots on goal, and forward Greg Mauldin and d-man Thomas Pock were impressive. Pock seemingly played forever and was smooth setting up chance after chance for the Minutemen; turns out the New York Rangers agreed, because they signed him this week and he scored in his first NHL game last night. It was by far the longest and best game I'd ever seen. Steve managed to score tickets to the NCAA regional tourney in Manchester, NH, where UNH plays Michigan on Saturday. I hope they win, but I'm not sure if they have the horses. We'll see.

Lots of music stuff to talk about. I found some good stuff online that I've been checking out. Queens of the Stone Age, one of my favorite groups, is currently on hiatus and mastermind Josh Homme just had a falling out with bassist Nick Olivieri. But Homme has a fun side project (one of a seemingly endless list) called the Eagles of Death Metal in which he plays drums and sings backup. The band's first album comes out this week, but its official web site has a live show available for free download that rocks. They've got a hard rock-boogie thing going on and I likes it.

The White Stripes have managed to remain awesome despite unrelenting hype, although Jack White is dating Renee Zellwegger and putting on rock star airs, including the nasty beatdown he administered to former friend Jason Stollsteimer of the Von Bondies (whose latest album absolutely slays, BTW). Just last week, Jack jumped on stage with Bob Dylan and played a killer version of the Stripes' "Ball and Biscuit." Find that and a bunch of great Peel Sessions material here. Thanks to Burned by the Sun for the tip.

I've got more, but it'll have to wait because Lily's crying and it's my turn to feed her. Later.

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Unsung: Seen Your Video

Unsung  is a feature in which I take a look at a pop culture phenomenon (be it music, TV, literary, whatever) that has been forgotten or und...