Sunday, February 24, 2013

Through the Past Dorkily: Rock You Like a Hurricane

Editor's note: Through the Past Dorkily is a recurring feature that looks back at the embarrassingly dorky diary I kept as a 16-year-old in 1984.

Tuesday, February 21, 1984

Song of the day: Tear It Up - Queen

Top 5 at Five
1. Jump - Van Halen
2. New Moon on Monday - Duran Duran
3. Some Heads Are Gonna Roll - Judas Priest
4. Sister Christian - Night Ranger
5. Rock You Like a Hurricane - Scorpions  

Wow, man. What a boring day. Not much doing at school.

We gave Sammy some tranquilizers so we could take a thorn out of her foot. She's been stoned off her ass all evening!

That's it.

- The (bored) Barbarian

Thursday, February 23, 1984

Song of the day: Rock You Like a Hurricane - Scorpions

Top 5 at Five
1. Jump - Van Halen
2. Rock You Like a Hurricane - Scorpions
3. Looks That Kill - Motley Crue
4. Heaven - Bryan Adams
5. Footloose - Kenny Loggins

New heights in boredom. I'm sure glad we get next week off because I need the rest!

[Buddy of mine] got his license yesterday. Only a week till I get mine!

The Juniors are getting killed in Winter Carnival.

I got a detention in Bi Sci for swearing. I get it on the Monday we get back.

I'm lost.

- The (tired) Barbarian

Friday, February 24, 1984

Song of the day: Shoot to Thrill - AC/DC

Top 5 at Five
1. All Hell's Breakin' Loose - KISS
2. Jump - Van Halen
3. Heaven - Bryan Adams
4. Looks That Kill - Motley Crue
5. Sister Christian - Night Ranger

Awesome! A week off!

The seniors won Winter Carnival, followed by the sophomores, freshmen, and juniors. We were tied for first at one point, but then we came last in like three events in a row. I went in the crab walk and did pretty good. We finished second.

KISS and Accept play the Centrum tonight. The Scorpions' new album, Love at First Sting, comes out today.


The (vacationing) Barbarian

Postscript: It's kinda funny that I was so excited for a week's vacation and yet also complaining about boring things are, because there was nothing more boring than spending a week at home. It's not like we ever went on actual vacations during those weeks. And frankly, those family vacations were almost as boring as staying home, so it was really a lose-lose situation for me.

The Scorpions were catching on with their new song "Rock You Like a Hurricane," but I don't know if anybody realized that it would still be played in sports arenas and strip joints almost 30 years later. That's staying power, people. I got into the Scorps with their previous album Blackout, which was pretty rockin', and they continued with this album. They also managed to put a decent ballad or two on each album. And you had to love singer Klaus Meine's heavy metal Woody Allen look (minus the glasses). The video's hilarious, too. Classic '80s metal video...and the lyrics are about as ridiculous as you'd expect from German dudes who speak English as their third or fourth language.

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