Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Okay, so technically it wasn't a blizzard, but we got a crapload of snow. The final tally was just short of three feet. That's right. THREE FEET. Biggest snowstorm I've ever seen. My back is still sore from the shoveling. Deb got two days off from school because the streets were so bad. We had a delayed opening Monday at HCPro, which was just as well because I was getting a little stir crazy.

The day off was good for Deb because she was able to get the Maxima's brakes fixed, and I finally got my Civic back tonight, so I won't have to bum any more rides. Three weeks without a car is pretty rough. I missed having control of the radio and the route and, well, the car. Let's hope the thing holds together for a good long time now.

So the Leafs beat Detroit Saturday night to extend their winning streak to eight. I only got to see the first two periods because our power went out for about 90 minutes. Unfortunately, they lost in OT to St. Louis last night, but you've gotta tip your toque to a hell of a run.

Looks like the Red Sox are actually going to pull this A-Rod deal off, and then wheel Nomar to the Dodgers or Angels. They could actually go into next season with a better team than the Yankees. Meanwhile, the Jays got Ted Lilly in a trade, which was good, and signed Pat Hentgen and Kerry Ligtenberg from the Orioles, which is okay, but it's hard to see them competing with the Yanks and Sox. So it's hellooo, third place once again.

Okay, that's enough blogmastification for now. Werd.

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