Friday, December 19, 2003

Domo arigoto, Mr. Blogoto. Yeah, I know, it's been over a week. I've been busy. I'm actually home today hanging out with Hannah--my mom's coming down from NH to visit with us for a while before we head to NJ for the weekend. Then she'll stay with us next week for Christmas. Should be a good weekend. My brother-in-law Matt scored tickets to the Pats-Jets game Saturday night, so we're there. It'll be cold, but fun. Plus we get to meet little Timmy for the first time.

Man, I can't believe Christmas is less than a week away. This year flew by. It was a good year, for the most part.

My favorite music of 2003, in no particular order:

Ted Leo and the Pharmacists--Hearts of Oak
Sloan--Action Pact
Consonant--Love and Affliction
Radiohead--Hail to the Thief
White Stripes--Elephant
New Pornographers--Electric Version
Gordon Downie--Battle of the Nudes
Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks--Pig Lib
Hot Hot Heat--Make Up the Breakdown
Metallica--St. Anger

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Unsung: Seen Your Video

Unsung  is a feature in which I take a look at a pop culture phenomenon (be it music, TV, literary, whatever) that has been forgotten or und...