Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Supersonic Storybook

Writing a book ain't easy. Talk to anyone who's actually written one, or someone who's tried and failed. Part of my job requires me to edit books, albeit ones that are specifically written for folks in the medical profession. So I know how much work goes into putting a book together.

That's why it's so cool that my good buddy Dave Brigham has actually gone and got a book of short stories published. A decade in the making, Dave's book "(C)rock Stories: Million-Dollar Tales of Music, Mayhem and Immaturity" is now for sale through Booklocker. I'm proud to say I was around when Dave first started working on these stories, back when we worked together at Webnoize at the turn of the century. I read some early drafts, but the stories have evolved a lot since then.

Dave and I talked about how the book came together on my podcast recently; you can hear all about it in parts 1 and 2 of the conversation. If you like rock music, road trips and good writing, you'll want to pick up this labor of love. I already ordered my copy...what are you waiting for?

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