Friday, July 13, 2007

Time, Gentlemen, Time

Twas a strange week. I still haven't quite caught up on sleep from our marathon drive last weekend. But I'm not stumbling around in a punch-drunk stupor, either.

I'm getting back into the marathon training swing of things after about 10 days off; I missed two long runs the last two weekends. So tomorrow I'm heading out for a 15-miler first thing in the morning. Fortunately, it shouldn't be too hot out. Then I've got to run some errands before Deb and I head off to a wedding in the evening; the couple are friends of Deb's from work. Tomorrow also happens to be our seventh wedding anniversary. Wow, that went by quick. Of course, I feel that way about my entire life to date.

Deb and I went to the Sox-Jays game last night at Fenway. She had a better time than I did, as Roy Halladay and the Jays got smacked around a bit to the tune of a 7-4 loss. But it was a beautiful night to be at a ballgame, so that was nice.

And that's the way it was:
  • When you're a teenager, you've got the whole world in front of you and a future full of possibilities. Unless you're this kid and all you can think about is getting it on with sheep. Hard to imagine the reasoning here, but one thing's for sure, he won't ever live this down.
  • I didn't get hear any of last weekend's Live Earth concerts because we were driving through the countryside, but this story was pretty funny. Metallica singer James Hetfield was delayed by London authorities after they deemed his beard a little too Taliban-y. Eventually, they realized their mistake and sent him on his way. I don't know, I think he's rockin' more of an Amish look than anything else.
  • It's summer and there ain't a whole on the teevee, but HBO's holding up its end of the bargain with interesting programming. In addition to Entourage, I've been digging a strange show called John From Cincinnati. It's a quirky drama from the creator of the awesome and late lamented Deadwood and NYPD Blue, David Milch. People are split right down the middle about this show: they either love it or hate it. It took me a few episodes to get into it, but more than anything else, it's interesting. It's hard to even describe what's going on because it's so damn weird. Essentially, the title character is this mystical simpleton who shows up in a California surfing community and causes all sorts of paranormal things to happen. Ed O'Neill, aka Al Bundy of Married With Children fame, is acting his ass off as a retired cop who has OCD and talks to his pet bird. There's a lot of unexplained (so far) phenomena, profanity, surfing, and Milch's amazing writing. I don't even know if I can recommend it to everyone because not everyone will like it, but I think it's cool.
  • So it looks like Van Halen may finally have its act together and announce a David Lee Roth-led fall tour soon, at least so sez Billboard. Meanwhile, former VHers Sammy Hagar and Michael Anthony this week announced a fall tour of their own. Hell, Sammy doesn't even need to tour. He recently sold an 80% share in his Cabo Wabo tequila business to liquor conglomerate Gruppo Campari for $80 freakin' million! Wow. He will no doubt keep his money in a three-lock box.

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