Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sounds Better in the Song

Hey there, ho there. Busy weekend. Saturday, I got up early and ran 16.1 miles. I felt pretty good and was joined by my friend Molly for the first half of it, but as the temps creeped up closer to 80 during the last half of the run, I was definitely ready for it to end. Speaking of running, I finally signed up for the Baystate Marathon today. October 14, baby. It's flat and a lot of people run it to qualify for Boston. I don't expect to do that, but I do hope to improve on my Chicago time last fall.

Ran a bunch of errands yesterday, including picking up the last piece of my wedding anniversary gift for Deb. It was our seventh anniversary yesterday, which means you're supposed to get a gift made of copper or wool. Since wool in July is out of the question, I struggled to find something affordable made of copper until I realized that Duracell is the copper top battery. Turns out Deb realized the same thing. Anyhoo, we decided to spend the night at a hotel near the wedding we were going to. It was in lovely Sherborn, which BTW is the home of the sheep-lovin' lad I linked to in my last post. On the way to the ceremony we saw a farm and wondered if it was the one he visited. And then we laughed.

It was a small, outdoor ceremony for about 90 people or so. It was a beautiful day and kinda cool to spend our wedding anniversary at another couple's wedding. Even better, the reception had open bar all night and a great selection of beers (I stuck with the Magic Hat Hocus Pocus).

My cousin Dev was in town with some of his Toronto homies to check out a few Sox-Jays games and I was planning to meet up with them after today's game. But he called me Saturday because they had an extra ticket for today, so I headed in and met them. It was a sweltering 88 degrees in the right field bleachers, but it was worth it to see the Jays and rookie Jesse Litsch beat the Sox and Josh Beckett, 2-1. The bleachers were surprisingly drunk-free, a big change from the first time I visited Fenway 20 years ago. I went with a couple of friends from UNH and we had a bunch of frat boys from Plymouth State sitting behind us. One of them accidentally dumped his beer on my buddy Chris' head, but since we were outnumbered heavily, we chose not to make a big deal of it. I also remember seeing a guy so drunk he fell down the bleacher steps before the game even started. Ah, the good old days.

It's both the heat and the humidity:
  • Okay, I finally uploaded a bunch of vacation pics to my Flickr page. It was our first time using our new camera, a Canon PowerShot SD1000. Very sweeeeeet.
  • Sad to hear of the passing of John Ferguson, Sr., one of the NHL's original tough guys and later an executive with several teams, at the age of 68 after a battle with cancer. He's also the father of current Leafs GM John Ferguson, Jr. I never saw him play (unless it was as a little kid, because he retired in 1971), but certainly read many tales of his toughness on the ice.
  • There's a new documentary out that riffs on the Haterade dished on my hometown, Toronto. It's called Let's All Hate Toronto and examines the loathing of the Big Smoke that goes on pretty everywhere else in Canada. I definitely need to check it out.
  • I suppose I understand the need for dudes to prove their manhood by running with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain, but there's no way in hell you could get me to do it (at least not without substantial financial compensation). And pictures like this one, in which two American brothers were simultaneously gored (one in the arse) by the same frickin' bull, help remind me of why people who do that are stupid.

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