Thursday, July 26, 2007

Keep It Cool

Holy crap, I can't stop sweating. It seems as though we're in for the hot, hazy and humid stuff for a few days. I didn't help matters by doing a speed workout at the Beverly High track around 6 p.m., when it was about 87 out. I wasn't able to run in the morning or at lunch, so I had no choice. At any rate, I'd say it's about time to get the old air conditioner out of the basement. Maybe tomorrow.

So the golf tournament Monday was fun, although the weather wasn't ideal. It was pouring for the first few holes, but thankfully that changed to an infrequent drizzle. It was a scramble format, which was good because I hit some pretty bad shots. Had some good ones, too. Whatever, it still beat working.

Flip your lid:
  • They have tonight off, but the Jays are finally on a modest roll, winning five straight. Better yet, their starters won every game, which hasn't happened in four years. Too bad it's probably too late to mean anything, because the Sox and Yankees are so far ahead.
  • What the hell's going on at NASA? First there's that crazy astronaut who drove from Houston to Florida to attack the woman who was dating another astronaut she liked. Now a new report says there have been cases of astronauts being drunk before shuttle launches and another of sabotage of equipment before takeoff. Major Tom to Ground Control, indeed.

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