Sunday, July 22, 2007

Prickly Thorn, But Sweetly Worn

'Sup? It was a gorgeous weekend. The humidity of the previous week was gone, replaced by nice, dry, 80-degree, sunny days. I got an 18-mile run in Saturday morning, but the last half was a struggle. I stupidly did a cardio workout Friday that included 20 minutes on the stepmill; my legs were dead tired yesterday. Molly met me for the last half of the run and she can testify that I was definitely dragging ass. But I got through it and won't make the same mistake next time around. I'm doing 20 next Saturday, so Friday will be a day of rest, or at least nothing involving my legs.

The rest of the day was spent relaxing. We did make a run to Barnes and Noble so Deb could pick up the new Harry Potter book. She's already plowed through about 300 pages.

Today, I played nine holes of golf at Wenham CC with the Z-man. There were a lot more folks out on the course because it was so nice out, but I shot a 49 and had a good time. As it turns out, I got drafted to play in a tournament tomorrow afternoon that the company bought a foursome in, so it was nice to have some practice.

Make with the bullets:
  • The Guinness Book of World Records has named a Mexican resident the world's fattest man, weighing in at 1,234 pounds. Damn. What's more, the guy has lost 440 pounds. This dude is so big he can't even leave his bedroom.
  • "The Simpsons Movie" is coming out next Friday and the hype is growing, but dammit, it looks good. Anyone who knows me knows I'm a fan of the show, so I may have to sneak out to catch a late-night viewing next weekend.

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