Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Man Who Was Too Loud

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. My, it's been a busy week. Thursday night, I went to a farewell for a co-worker at a local establishment. On Friday, I met up with the Webnoize crew at the always-awesome Redbones for some fine Texas beef ribs and Smuttynose IPAs. My man Briggy and his lovely wife are expecting their second child any day now, so it was good to see him and wish him well. Got up bright and early yesterday and ran 10 miles with my buddies Matt, Rick and Jon; I felt fortunate to be able to keep up considering what I had consumed the night before. Deb and the girls got back from Joisey around midday. Then I went and played a quick nine holes with Stevie Z. at Wenham CC; it was a great day and I actually played pretty well by my standards, shooting a 46. Steve and I had originally planned to play 18, but his back was bothering him. As it turned out, playing nine turned out to be perfect, cheaper and much more manageable as far time away from home. I'm going to try to get out and play nine a few more times this summer.

Today was pretty mellow. We tried to go out to breakfast, but the diner we tried had about 20 people waiting outside, so we bagged that and just picked up some bagels and donuts and ate at a playground before church. We came home and filled up a new wading pool we recently bought for the girls and let them splash away for a few hours. Good stuff.

This, that, and the other thing:
  • So Thursday night, while I was out, I TiVoed the NHL Awards show on Versus. I got home and started to watch it, only to find two hours of mixed martial arts coverage. The next day, I found out what really happened (courtesy of the excellent Off Wing Opinion blog): turns out the CBC's broadcast truck outside the event caught on fire and technical wackiness ensued, causing Versus to replace the show with the MMA event and show the awards at 11 on tape delay. This could only the happen to the NHL; the few diehard hockey fans who even knew the show was on Versus, an audience made even smaller by the fact that many can't even get Versus on their cable systems, and they still can't watch the damn thing. You just have to shake your head and smile at this point. I'm fully expecting a Martian attack will wipe out the satellite so I can't watch the NHL draft next Saturday.
  • Hey, a little self-promotion here: I'm featured on the latest episode of Jeff Cutler's A Life of Play podcast. Jeff interviews folks from all walks of life about their various recreational pursuits; in this show, he talks to me about playing pickup hockey. You can download it directly here (right click and "save as"). Jeff's a fellow member of New England Podcasting.
  • Watch out for angry squirrels; you never know what will set those things off.

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