Monday, May 07, 2007

Who Do You Love?

There's frost on the roof of my car this morning. Even so, the temps are supposed to hitting the 80s this week and I welcome them with open arms. I hope to be complaining about the sticky heat for the foreseeable future.

Another whirlwind weekend. Friday, I met up with my man OJ and his lovely wife Amy to check out the Ted Leo show. Senor Leo was a whirling dervish of energy, blasting out the punk-edged power pop for nearly two hours. Most of the material came from his latest muy excellente album Living With the Living, but he played stuff from his previous three albums as well. The guy's a great guitarist and ripped off some nice solos while pogoing around the stage. OJ thought he spotted Evan Dando watching the show sidestage; it was too far away for me to tell for sure, but it could have been him. At any rate, it was a terrific show and Ted and his band really rocked it.

Saturday, I took the kids to the open gym at the Y before heading up to Manchester, NH, for the 40th birthday bash for one of my college roommates, Rob. It was supposed to be a surprise, but he found out about it a few weeks ago. His wife had rented a roof box at the New Hampshire Fisher Cats game; the team is the Double A farm team of the Blue Jays. The stadium is right off 293 and is really nice. It was pretty windy up there, but we had a box to retreat to when necessary. I didn't know a whole lot of people other than Rob, his wife and his parents, but I had a good time. Yeah, let the 40th birthday bashes begin...

From there, I drove down to Charlestown, where I met Deb and the girls at a little shindig one of her co-workers was having to raise money for the Breast Cancer Walk. We hung out there for a few hours before heading home to put the girls to bed. Yesterday was another nonstop day. We went from church straight to a surprise 40th party for someone else who works at Deb's school and then went grocery shopping, so we didn't get home until close to 4. We had Chinese food for lunch, which made the long run I did rather difficult. I had hoped to do 10, but I kept getting indigestion burps and so shortened it to eight. Neither Deb nor I ate much in the way of dinner until close to 9.

Hopefully, this week won't be as crazy as last...

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