Thursday, May 31, 2007

Completely Conspicuous Episode 27: Spreading the Disease

Check it: I actually recorded another episode of CC before another three weeks went by. It was only eight days between shows this time. I tried something different this time around, essentially working without a script. Just took me too long to actually write the whole thing out. It wasn't a total train wreck, IMHO. I'll get better at this, honest. You can download it here (right click and "save as").

Da show notes:

- The threat of infectious disease
- Campaign theme songs
- Doc Martens commissions a lame ad campaign
- The scourge of American Idol
- Weightlifting makes you younger?
- The extremely long seasons of the NHL and NBA
- Pinhead of the Week

- Stars - Ageless Beauty
- The Zambonis - My Back Hurts

- New England Podcasting. Find out more here.

Completely Conspicuous is available through the iTunes, Yahoo Podcasts and Podcast Pickle podcast directories. Subscribe and write a review!

The song from Stars is on the album Set Yourself On Fire on the Arts and Crafts label; find out more here. The song from the Zambonis is on the Chippy Sessions album on Exotic Recordings; find out more here. Both songs were provided by IODA Promonet; find out more here.

Set Yourself On Fire

Download "Ageless Beauty" (mp3)
from "Set Yourself On Fire"
by Stars
Arts & Crafts

More On This Album

Chippy Sessions

Download "My Back Hurts" (mp3)
from "Chippy Sessions"
by The Zambonis
Exotic Recordings

More On This Album

The opening and closing theme of Completely Conspicuous is "Theme to Big F'in Pants" by Jay Breitling. Find out more about Senor Breitling here. And the incidental music used in the show was "Clibopb (Fosco Groove)" by Me and Boris the Bull. Find out more about Me and Boris the Bull here.

Completely Conspicuous is a Tan God Production. Word.

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