Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Overly Dramatic Truth

Okay, this weather is getting annoying. We've had below-average temperatures all month, and now the forecasts are calling for snow/rain tomorrow and a nasty storm this weekend leading right into the Boston Marathon on Monday. I'm glad I'm not running, but I'm bummed for everyone who has been training for the last several months and may be slogging through nasty, chilly, torrential rains. Hopefully, the forecast will be wrong.

We had been planning to go in to cheer on a buddy of my brother-in-law Matt who is running, but Matt can't make it because of work. Now I'm glad. That's the tough thing about running Boston. You just never know what to expect for weather.

I played hockey Monday night with the guys I had been skating with for about nine years until last fall. It was good to see them again, and nice that they had scored the 8 p.m. hour. I'm still skating on Wednesdays in Lynn for at least another month or so.

Crack that whip:
  • Speaking of hockey, the NHL playoffs start tonight. The best tournament in sports, in my opinion. Meanwhile, my favorite team is busy getting tee times. The debate has begun in Toronto about whether GM John Ferguson, Jr., should be retained after the team missed the playoffs for two straight years. I'm on the fence. On the one hand, he has struck out with acquisitions like inconsistent goalie Andrew Raycroft and overpriced free agents like Pavel Kubina, but on the other, I can't remember the team having this many good young players in the lineup since the mid-1980s. Of course, they got them by being one of the worst teams in the league and drafting high every year, and they traded most of them away. I think they should re-sign Mats Sundin and sign a premier offensive free agent to help him out, as well as an experienced backup to share the load with Raycroft.
  • Don't they have bigger things to worry about in India than whether the Liz Hurley wedding was "insulting" to Hindu customs? There is actually a court case being filed over this.
  • The fallout continues over Don Imus' racial remarks about the Rutgers women's basketball team. The bigger question for me is who the hell listens to Don Imus anymore? The demographic that thinks his shtick is funny is rapidly dwindling.
  • While I'm happy NBC renewed "30 Rock," I'm pissed that they've shuffled the great "Andy Barker, PI" to Saturday nights and most likely will not renew it. Except for that Quintuplets show, everything Andy Richter has done has been hilarious. This show is no exception.

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