Sunday, April 15, 2007

Every Single Line Means Something

Welcome to New England, home of the mid-April Nor'easter. Just rainy and raw out there, folks. Nothing to see here. There has been some seriously nasty-ass weather going on all over the country lately; seems like half the baseball games scheduled so far this season have been postponed. Six more were rained out today.

Looks like the worst of the storm will be over by the time the Boston Marathon starts tomorrow morning at 10. I'm still glad I won't be running or watching from the sidelines. Yesterday was pretty nice out, with temps approaching 50, so I got out for a strong 10-miler in the morning. Next on the race slate for me is the Ring Around the Neck 5-miler in Marblehead on the 29th, and then the Run to Remember half marathon in Boston on Memorial Day Weekend.

Heads or tails:
  • I was surprised that Grindhouse was such a flop at the box office, especially with the press blitz (numerous talk show appearances and magazine covers), but hey, maybe the moviegoing public wants to see more movies like Norbit. No doubt, three hours' worth a double feature is a lot to sit through, but that didn't seem to hurt the Kill Bill movies. Miramax has been talking about releasing the movies separately. I bet they'll make a killing overseas and on DVD, which is probably the only way I'll be able to see it.
  • I love Will Ferrell, but the folks at College Humor are dead on with their Will Ferrell Movie Generator, which randomly generates a Ferrell movie plot, complete with sidekick, wacky sports angle and odd catchphrase. Sweet Lincoln's mullet!

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