Friday, March 01, 2013

Through the Past Dorkily: Eat It

Editor's note: Through the Past Dorkily is a recurring feature that looks back at the embarrassingly dorky diary I kept as a 16-year-old in 1984.

Saturday, February 25, 1984

Song of the day: She's So Cold - The Rolling Stones

I was rudely awakened at 11:30 by Mom. That started the day off on the wrong foot. It was nice out, in the 60s and sunny. But I was inside cleaning the house all day. We had JP's friends, their parents and [friend of my dad's] over for dinner.

Ozzy was on Solid Gold, doing "Bark at the Moon." Then I watched Sharky's Machine. Good movie. I watched Saturday Night Live while wiping the dishes. Edwin Newman was the host. He's pretty cool.

I heard that there might be a snowstorm on Wednesday. I sure hope not!

- The (weary) Barbarian

Sunday, February 26, 1984

Song of the day: Top Jimmy - Van Halen

Drove to the dump and then practiced parking at the plaza. I didn't do too good, so I practiced some more at home. I should do okay at the test, but I heard that there could be a foot of snow by Wednesday!

That's about all I did today. Oh yeah, I moved my TV and stereo around. Now the stereo is on my dresser with the speakers on each side. The TV is on the desk that the stereo used to be on. Looks pretty decent.

I'm listening to the King Biscuit Flower Hour. They've got Dokken and Girlschool live. Good stuff.

- The Barbarian

Monday, February 27, 1984

Song of the day: Shout at the Devil - Motley Crue

Top 5 at Five
1. Runner - Manfred Mann
2. Looks That Kill - Motley Crue
3. Heaven - Bryan Adams
4. Sister Christian - Night Ranger
5. You Might Think - The Cars


Caesar woke me up at 7:30. The stupid mutt kept on whining! Then I just did some homework while listening to "Defenders of the Faith" by Judas Priest and Zep's "Physical Graffiti."

Talked to Jeremy on the phone. He said he's going to Methuen Mall on Friday and wanted to know if I'd go with him. I said sure.

It doesn't look good, weather-wise, for Wednesday!

- The Barbarian

Tuesday, February 28, 1984

Song of the day: Balls to the Wall - Accept

Top 5 at Five
1. Heaven - Bryan Adams
2. Sister Christian - Night Ranger
3. Footloose - Kenny Loggins
4. In the Beginning/Shout at the Devil - Motley Crue
5. Eat It - Weird Al Yankovic

Not much happened today. I listened to "Blackout" by the Scorps, "Exit Stage Left" by Rush and "Power and the Glory" by Saxon.

That loser Michael Jackson won something like 8 Grammys tonight. That sucks!

- The Barbarian

Wednesday, February 29, 1984 (LEAP YEAR, Y'KNOW)

Song of the day: Hammer to Fall - Queen

Top 5 at Five
1. In the Beginning/Shout at the Devil - Motley Crue
2. I'll Wait - Van Halen
3. Eat It - Weird Al
4. Heaven - Bryan Adams
5. I Want a New Drug - Huey Lewis and the News

I GOT IT! I finally got my driver's license! Thankfully, the weather was alright. The guy only took me for 10 minutes! All I did was drive down the road, turn a lot and came back! That's it!

Watch out, pedestrians!

- The Barbarian is comin'! YAHOO!!

Postscript: I still remember that driver's test well. About as easy as I could have hoped for. And weirdly on February 29. 

Vacations were pretty much non-events at this time. 

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