Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy New Year, Dear

Man, another new year is here. Judging from the Facebook and Twitter statuses of many people, 2011 didn't go so well. I can't say it was awful for me, although having to spend the last three months rehabbing an injury was no fun. But it was great to see my daughters continue to do well in life and school and sports; in the end, that's all that matters to me. From a personal standpoint, my job changed significantly for the better and my health has been good, except that Achilles problem.

Creatively, I'm busier than I've ever been, between the podcast, this blog, my writing for Popblerd and my running column (which is currently on hiatus but hopefully returning soon). I've got plenty of other ideas and goals, but I don't know if I can squeeze anything else in right now.

As for New Year's resolutions, I tend to make the same ones every year and never follow through on them, but dammit, I'm going to try this year. First and foremost, I need to lose about 15-20 pounds. I put on 10 pounds after I stopped running in the fall, so now that I'm back on the road, I should drop those quickly. But I also plan to cut out a lot of junk in my diet and get serious about getting in kickass shape. For running goals, I'm planning to run a half-marathon in the spring, as well as do Reach the Beach MA in May, and then hopefully do a full marathon again in the fall.

Every year, I pledge to get serious about playing the guitar and never do, so I'm putting more emphasis on it this year. And of course, I want to keep improving as a husband and father, which I can and should always keep working on.

Oh, and I need to do the kung fu like this dude:

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