Wednesday, July 28, 2010


It feels kind of strange to be back in the middle of the workweek after a few weeks of being elsewhere. And sure enough, we're jumping in the car tomorrow evening to head down to NJ for the weekend.

I'm actually going to be working from Matt and Tricia's house Friday because I'm on deadline and I've been out of the office for most of the last two weeks. We're going to be looking after the boys while Matt and Trish fly down to his high school reunion in Florida. While we're there, I'm planning to meet up with Brian Salvatore, who hosts both the excellent Podcast and The Enthusiasts' Radio Hour. I actually recorded a large segment for the second episode of TERH, but it got wiped out by a power outage; I make a cameo in episode 2a, however. Turns out he lives near Matt and Trish and actually knows them. Small freakin' world. We're planning to record stuff for both his and my show on Friday.

The Mexico trip was a lot of fun (check out ep 136 of CompCon for a full recounting). Other than minor sunburns, we managed to escape unscathed. Although when we went down there, my left eye was already a little red and it just got progressively worse as the week wore on. Finally got to the doctor on Monday and got some antibiotic ointment for it; unfortunately, I've been saddled with a eye redder than the Terminator's. Hopefully it'll be cleared up in a day or two. Meanwhile, poor Lily woke up yesterday listless with a 103 degree fever and a blotchy red rash all over her body; Deb took her to the doctor and he was unsure what to make of it. They took blood and so far have ruled out anything exotic like Dengue Fever; in the meantime, her fever is gone and she's feeling a lot better. We hope to know more tomorrow, but it's encouraging that she's improved. Deb was considering scrapping the NJ trip if Lily had something serious, but it looks like we'll be okay to go.

Running update: I managed to run 5 times while we were in Mexico, but kept them all to 4 or 5 miles because of the heat and unfamiliar terrain. I cranked out a 7-miler on Sunday and then last night ran the Newburyport Yankee Homecoming 10-miler, which I finished in 1:22. I might have been a minute or two faster if my damn car key didn't fall out of my shorts pocket about four minutes into the race. Fortunately, I had decided not to bring my iPod or I wouldn't have heard it fall. I turned around and dodged oncoming runners and actually found the key; I tried putting it in an inner pocket before just holding it in my hand the rest of the way. Still, I finished strong and feel good today. My long runs are starting to creep up; I need to do 13 this weekend and 15 the next.

Well, time to go catch up on some of the TiVoed shows we've got on the telly.


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