Sunday, July 04, 2010

Light Up the Sky

Happy birthday, America!

I'm not the most jingoistic guy on the block. I think that comes from being born elsewhere and realizing that life in other countries isn't the godforsaken hellscape that it's often painted out to be by would-be "patriots." In my book, there are good and bad things about living in every country.

But there's also a reason I became a U.S. citizen 21 years ago. It's a great place to live and you're free to voice your opinion if you disagree with how things are done. Of course, just because you voice your opinion doesn't mean things will necessarily change, but at least you're not thrown in a gulag for offering a dissenting take.

I'll take America with its freedom AND its flaws over just about anywhere. But that's because I'm used to living here. I certainly enjoyed Canada and never would have left if my dad hadn't moved us. But now that I've been here for so long, I don't want to move back. This is my home, a place where I can raise my kids, earn an honest living, live in peace and grill food and drink beer in my backyard whenever I want. There's something to be said for that.

Enjoy your freedom...


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