Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mind Eraser, No Chaser

I'm not an overly superstitious sort, but I don't want to go proclaiming the house as illness-free just yet. Besides, it wouldn't be true: Deb still feels pretty lousy and is going to work tomorrow for the first time since Monday, Lily finally went back to school today after missing nearly a week and Hannah's still got a cough. And I've still got a nagging cough that is annoying the hell out of me. But the house is fever-free, so that's a good start, I suppose.

It has been frustrating. I haven't played hockey in a month because I've opted to get sleep instead of having a late night. And my last couple of runs have been difficult at first because I can feel the congestion in my chest. But the coughing isn't as bad, so it seems like I'm getting better.

I was hoping to get together with my buddy Phil to do some podcast recording this week, but we've had a few scheduling issues so it won't happen until next week. Instead, I'm going to record a solo episode tomorrow night after the Leafs game.

Here's a classic from the early '90s. Back at the Webnoize, I used to annoy Briggy by saying this guy's voice sounds like Ozzy (he doesn't). The song frickin' rocks, though:


d. brigham said...

Point of clarification: You might have annoyed me at Webnoize, but not in regards to the singer of Helmet sounding like Ozzy. I agree with you, and know that I agreed with you then, as I have always thought that.

Jay said...

Duly noted. Although I think it was because I pointed it out on about 24 separate occasions.

Unknown said...

This song is the goodest Helmet song.

Unsung: Seen Your Video

Unsung  is a feature in which I take a look at a pop culture phenomenon (be it music, TV, literary, whatever) that has been forgotten or und...