Friday, August 08, 2008

Room to Rock

Ah, Fried-day. No bat sightings since last Sunday, so things are back to normal around here. We're getting ready for a gathering of the old Webnoize crew for a BBQ tomorrow, so that should be fun. Hopefully, the thunderstorms will spare us for at least one day.

I finally got on the ball and uploaded a shiteload of photos to my long-dormant Flickr page, which hadn't been updated since January. I've got vacation photos, birthday party pics from the spring, and even some shots from last night's Beverly Homecoming 5K. It was looking pretty ominous before the kids' races started, as the skies grew darker and the rain began. Lily and Hannah had fun running their races and did well. The 5K was my first speedwork in about a month; I ran a 21:50 by my watch, 21:53 by the official timer's clock. Not bad, a little over a 7 minute pace, but about 20 seconds off my PR. The rain stopped by the time the race started and held off for the entire time I was running. Molly and Jon also ran and did well; Jon ended up finishing 14th overall.

The Beijing Olympics kick off tonight with the 2008-hour-long opening ceremonies. I have to admit, I watched a little of it and it was pretty impressive. I was waiting for the rhythmic dancing tribute to the Tianamen Square tanks, but never saw it. NBC's going into Olympic overdrive. I'm looking forward to the track and field, soccer and swimming events.

Aiight, I'll check in later.

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