Thursday, August 21, 2008

Long Time Ahead of Us

Ah, the week's winding down. Deb's off at a workshop in Marlborough or somewhere, so I've got the girls today and tomorrow. We're going up to visit my mom up in NH in a little while, so that should be fun.

It has been a pretty mellow week. We went to the beach Monday. I cranked through one book and am on to another. Tuesday, I went to the registry and got my new license picture taken. My last one was taken in '98; I don't too different now, except for a little less hair. But you're not allowed to have a license photo more than nine years old, so in I went. I had to wait about 40 minutes, which actually wasn't too bad considering how many people were there. I can remember some pretty horrendous registry lines when I first moved down here. Compared to those experiences, this was a breeze.

Yesterday, we took the girls to the Y's outdoor pool for a few hours and then I ran in the Lynn Woods relay with the Striders. It's a 10-mile relay; each team has four runners who do 2.5 miles each. I led off for my team in the Men's Masters (40+) and ran the leg in 18:06, 11 seconds faster than last year. It's a hilly, rocky run through the woods; I was pretty beat at the turn, but the last half was downhill, so that helped. I was almost late to the start because of traffic; got there with five minutes to spare. Our team finished last in our division; guess there's a lot of speedy guys in their 40s out there. On Friday, I'm running in the Derby Street 1-mile race in Salem; I haven't run a timed mile since high school, so it should be fun.

Okay, gotta get ready to head up to NH.

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