Thursday, March 22, 2007

La Costa Brava

Hey, the warm weather's back! Got out for a five-miler today at lunch and it was spectacular out. Sunny and 60, if a bit windy. It's supposed to remain warm (50s and 60s) for the next week or so. All the snow we got last weekend is melting away. It's a beautiful thing.

The diet's going well, although I had more than a few Girl Scout cookies tonight. As for my weight, I'm holding fast at 163. But I've felt stronger lately when running, working out and even playing hockey, so that's good. Tomorrow night will be a test, because I'm meeting the Webnoize crew at the Border Cafe in Harvard Square. I will have a couple of beers, but I will skip the nachos grande. I haven't seen those guys in a while, so it should be a good time.

Where is my mind?
  • It was a true bummer this week to hear of the death of Calvert Deforest, aka Larry "Bud" Melman, who rose to fame as a character on David Letterman's late night shows. The guy was hilarious. Here's a clip of him introducing the very first episode of "Late Night with David Letterman" and here's a classic bit of him handing out hot towels to folks at the Port Authority bus depot in 1983. He was 85. UPDATE: I forgot to include a link to this awesome video that LBM was in, Run DMC's King of Rock. Sweeeet.
  • I take my sports pretty seriously, but it's not life or death; it just feels that way sometime. But overseas, they get a little more emotional: the coach of the Pakistani cricket team was found strangled to death after the team lost in a tournament last weekend. Damn.
  • It's stories like this that make me glad I stopped drinking soda: a new study found that many sodas are almost as acidic as battery acid. Of course, I'm sure Coke will release a study next week that says it cures cancer.

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