Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Completely Conspicuous, Episode 22: Take This Job and Shove It

Hot off the Interweb for your listening pleasure, it's the latest episode of CC. Download it directly here (right click and "save as").

Ze shownotes...

- The decline in job satisfaction
- Social networking sites
- The lost art of the live album
- March Madness!
- Outstanding Press Release
- Genius Marketing Move
- Pinhead of the Week

- Broken Social Scene - Fire Eye'd Boy
- TV On the Radio - Staring at the Sun

- Phedippidations' Boston Marathon coverage. Find out more here.
- New England Podcasting. Find out more here.

Completely Conspicuous is now available through the iTunes, Yahoo Podcasts and Podcast Pickle podcast directories. Subscribe and write a review!

Broken Social Scene's self-titled album is on Arts and Crafts Records; find out more here. The song was provided by IODA Promonet; find out more here.

Broken Social Scene

Download "Fire Eye'd Boy" (mp3)
from "Broken Social Scene"
by Broken Social Scene
Arts & Crafts

More On This Album

The song from TV On the Radio is on the band's Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes album on Touch and Go Records; find out more here. It was provided by the Podsafe Music Network; visit here for more info.

The opening and closing theme of Completely Conspicuous is "Theme to Big F'in Pants" by Jay Breitling. Find out more about Senor Breitling at his fine Clicky Clicky music blog. And the incidental music used in the show was "Clibopb (Fosco Groove)" by Me and Boris the Bull. Find out more about Me and Boris the Bull here.

Completely Conspicuous is a Tan God Production.

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