Tuesday, February 13, 2007

This Is All I Came to Do

It's mid-February and everybody here in the Boston area is bracing for what's supposed to be our first big snowstorm of the winter. It's supposed to hit tomorrow and be a big mess. You'll forgive me if I'm skeptical, since we've had exactly 1.8 inches of snow so far this winter. But it has been cold of late, so I made sure to do some more pond skating the last two days just in case the snow bitches it all up for a while.

Great Caesar's Ghost!
  • Ah, now here's a study I can get behind: on-the-job napping can help reduce stress and deaths from heart disease in men. I've been a proponent of this for years. That 3 p.m. wall hits me like a ton of bricks every damn day. I usually have to get up and go for a walk or get something with caffeine in it. I can't see my employer or too many others sanctioning mid-afternoon naps, but one can dream, right?
  • We had a little birthday celebration for a co-worker today who's a big fan of Moxie, which is believed to be America's first mass-produced soft drink. It was created in 1876 in Lowell, Mass., as a medicinal beverage designed to cure "softening of the brain" and "loss of manhood," which is a different kind of softening, I suppose. I had a girlfriend in high school who loved the stuff, so I tried it and pretended to like it. Today, nearly 23 years later, I tried Moxie again and was reminded why I didn't like it in the first place. Definitely an acquired taste; it has a strange cough-syrupy aftertaste that's hard to shake. Still, it has a pretty cool history.
  • Gotta love the world of fashion. Now some genius in Paris is designing corsets for men. I'm no fashion plate by a long shot; my idea of dressing up is a collared shirt and Dockers. But this "trend" is mystifying. One of the great things about being a dude is you don't have to wear uncomfortable clothing. That, and you can pee standing up.
  • Happy 36th birthday to Maple Leafs captain Mats Sundin, who is still a force as the Leafs hunt for a playoff spot. Unfortunately, they lost their third straight tonight 3-2 in a shootout to the Islanders, despite totally dominating most of the game. Stupid shootouts.

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Stuck In Thee Garage #571: March 14, 2025

I've never understood the fascination with the British royal family here in the U.S. Wasn't this country founded to get away from th...