Friday, October 27, 2006

Raider Man

Happy Friday. Shaking off the cobwebs after rising at about 5:15 with Lily. Looks like we're in for a rainy weekend. Well, at least I don't have to get a long run in.

Up and at them:
  • Watched the Leafs-Senators game last night and man, did Toronto look awful. Part of it is the Senators are starting to play the way they did last year. The other part is, unfortunately, so are the Leafs.
  • Ventured out Tuesday night to see Frank Black. He was supposed to play Avalon, which holds about 2,000, but the show was moved to Axis, which maybe holds half that. Bummer for Frank, but cool for me. He played nearly two hours, starting with a solo acoustic set that included a couple of Pixies tunes (Cactus, Holiday Song) and then bringing about his three-piece backing band for a wide-ranging collection of his solo stuff and obscure covers. Pretty great show. Last time I saw him was at the Middle East in July 1999 with the Catholics, touring for the Pistolero album. Although he's been on a country-roots rock bender lately, FB and the band rocked that stuff pretty hard Tuesday night.
  • When I was in college, Faces of Death was a big deal, with its scenes of real people and animals dying. People were renting it all the time. I could never get myself to watch it, but I heard all about it from folks who did. With the recent resurgence of ultraviolent horror films like Saw and Hostel, it's no surprise that someone's looking to remake Faces. I still won't see it, though. I bet you could find worse stuff online if you really wanted to.

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