Thursday, October 12, 2006

Let's Just Laugh

Just shaking my head after the Leafs blew a 6-3 lead against NJ to lose 7-6 in a shootout. Ugh. Anyhoo, we enjoyed a nice 75-degree day today while in Chicago, they got snow. I suspect it won't be around when I get to Chi-town next Friday. Got in a nice 6-miler at lunch. I just have a 10-miler on Sunday, and a couple of short runs next week and then the marathon.

Drop the leash:
  • The whole Cory Lidle plane crash thing yesterday was nuts. I was listening to Boston sports talk station WEEI when the show hosts mentioned a plane had crashed into a building in NYC and it was unclear whether it was terrorism. The first thing I thought of was the 15-year-old kid who crashed a plane into a 28-story building in Tampa back in January 2002; everybody was freaked out about it being a possible terrorist act, but it ended up just being a stupid kid. It's not clear what happened with Lidle yesterday, but he loved flying and had his license, so obviously something mechanical went wrong with the plane. How would you like to be the lady whose condo the plane crashed into? Damn. Lidle was a journeyman pitcher; he pitched for the Jays back in 2003. The Lidle accident brings back bad memories for older Yankees fans, who remember Thurman Munson's tragic death in 1979 after the Cessna he was piloting crashed. Meanwhile, guys like Alex Kovalev of the Canadiens have no plans to stop flying.
  • Sony still trying to fight the iPod, this time with a new version of the Walkman that promises better sound quality. Nothing like being five years late to the party. Get in line behind the Microsoft Zune, which comes out November 14. I'm not convinced any competing device will truly be an iPod killer, at least not yet.
  • Someday I would love to enter a team in the U.S. Pond Hockey Championships, held in Minnesota in January. It totally looks like a blast. Must be ridiculously cold, but still. Pond hockey's the best.

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