Thursday, October 19, 2006

Borrow Your Cape

It's finally here. Race weekend. I'm flying to Chicago tomorrow for the marathon on Sunday. I've been watching the weather forecasts all week and they all seem to be predicting temps in the mid-40s with possible rain or even snow. I hope it's snow or nothing; running in the rain and raw temps for four hours would not be fun. I'm still planning to run in a long sleeve shirt and shorts, although I'm bringing pants in case it gets really cold.

I'm feeling pretty good. My cold has diminished instead of gotten worse. Went for a five-miler today with Rick, who's also running Chicago. I'll meet up with him, Jon and Kerry--my compadres on the Road Warriors relay team from August--on Saturday. My buddy Bob is also running; this is his first marathon. After I get into town tomorrow, I'm driving to Peoria to hang out at my brother's house for the night. Then Saturday it's back to Chicago to check into my hotel and go to the race expo. And Sunday is the race. Wish me luck.

More beans, please:
  • I was getting ambitious and thinking I'd do another podcast this week before I left, but I quickly realized that was a dumb idea. Why stress out any more than I have to? I've got some ideas already and hope to get it done Monday night after I get back.
  • I like Coke and all, but fried Coke nuggets just sounds nasty.
  • Stings says today's rock music is boring. Well, if anyone's an authority on boring, it's senor Sumner. Of course, the Onion had him pegged years ago (thanks to Idolator for the tip).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I guess now you'll be able to definitively answer the aged rhetorical about whether something "will play in Peoria."

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