Sunday, June 19, 2005

Money City Maniacs

Hey, Happy Father's Day to me and all the other daddios out there. Deb and the girls took me out for breakfast and gave me some good photos of the girls for the office, plus gave me a round of golf to be played at some point in the near future. Works for me. The girls are currently napping (or in Hannah's case, yapping away while in bed) and Deb's at the store, so figured I'd crank out a blog post.

On Wednesday, I had the distinct pleasure of catching the mighty Sloan at tiny TT the Bear's in Cambridge. Before the show, I visited my good buddy OJ and his wife Amy at their place nearby. They just got a new greyhound, Olive, who was still getting used to her new surroundings. Got to the club in time to catch the opening set from the Capitol Years, a great band from Philly who I'd never heard of before. They unveiled a three-guitar attack that somehow combined elements of the Beatles/Kinks/Who while also not sounding totally derivative. Sloan came out and rocked the shizz out of the place, although drummer Andrew Scott's kick drum head broke on the first song. The head was quickly replaced and they proceeded to crank through most of the songs on their new singles comp, A-Sides Win, plus some other classics from back in tha day. I've seen them a bunch of times now and they always put on a great live show, although a few gigs have been marred by PA problems, which I guess is more of a problem with the club they're in. No such problems with this gig. A great, late night.

I'm back now (Lily woke up). I also had good news Wednesday when I found out I got into the NYC Marathon through the lottery. Unfortunately, neither my brother-in-law Matt nor my friend Matt from work got in, so I'll be running it solo like I did in '03. Now I just have to start training. Got my first long run in yesterday, doing 7 miles and feeling pretty good. Hopefully, I'll be able to stay healthy as I train for this thing.

Aiight, that's it for now.

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