Monday, June 06, 2005

At Home He's a Tourist

Greetings. Believe it or not, I had actually written the majority of a post last Thursday, but then I lost the frickin' thing as a result of a condition known as "Internet no worky." Very annoying.

So the wife and I had a fun weekend up in North Conway, NH, where we attended the wedding of one of her best friends. What added to the fun was the fact that we were kidless for the first time in two years; Deb's mom and brother Matt and his family came up to take care of the girls, who apparently had a great time themselves. Meanwhile, we stayed here and were treated to amazing scenery, perfect weather (sunny and 80s for most of the weekend), and plenty of Tuckerman's Pale Ale, which was a big plus in and of itself. The wedding was held outside in a gazebo near the ninth hole of the resort's golf course (which I got to play for free Saturday morning) and facing an enormous ledge. The reception was right down the hall from our room, which was helpful. It was a great little break from the action, but it was also nice to come home to plenty of hugs from Hannah and Lily.

In other nooz:

  • Looks like Molly Ringwald's interested in making a sequel to Sixteen Candles. Nothing like striking while the iron's hot. This could be really, really bad. Loved the original when it came out, as I did other John Hughes films such as The Breakfast Club and Ferris Bueller's Day Off. They still hold nostalgic charm, although they don't quite hold up as well as the years go by.
  • No news on the NHL front, other than they're still talking. Blah blah blah. One interesting development was the staging of scrimmages over the weekend designed to experiment with rules changes that would increase offense. The brainchild of longtime Bruins exec Harry Sinden, the rules would eliminate the red line AND the blue lines, basically creating a pond hockey game where that one lazy guy just hangs out by the opposing net the whole time waiting for the puck. I'd like to see some changes, but that's going too far. Speaking of hockey, check Off Wing Opinion's carnival of hockey bloggers, which makes a mention of yours truly at the end. Off Wing Eric is one of the best sports bloggers out there and he featured a bunch of other great blogstars, so it's nice to be included with that group.
  • This is pretty cool: CVS started selling a $30 disposable camcorder. You can shoot about 20 minutes of digital video on the camcorder, which you then recycle at CVS in return for the contents being transferred to DVD. What a great idea. Get four or five of them and you can shoot a movie.
  • Steve Jobs provided some more details about iTunes 4.9's podcasting capabilities. I'm interested in checking it out when it's finally released. It's funny to see how everyone's glomming onto the "podcast" buzzword, especially radio broadcasters that are just repurposing crappy old shows as downloads and calling them podcasts. Like this guy. Sorry, dood. When I think of Rush, I think of these guys.


Unknown said...

That disposable camcorder link is already dead, but what a great idea. I think we would definitely use that, since we seem unable to actually commit to a specific digital camera, let alone a camcorder. As you were.

Jay said...

Hmm. I just tested it and it worked fine for me. Must be your lightbox or something.

Yeah, I like the ideer, too. A camcorder is something I've always wanted but never had the scratch to afford. Our digital camera is now three years old, but still gets the job done. You can disposable digital cameras, too, y'know. Werd.

Stuck In Thee Garage #571: March 14, 2025

I've never understood the fascination with the British royal family here in the U.S. Wasn't this country founded to get away from th...