Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Agony of Defeet

No, this isn't a post about more foot woes. I'm actually feeling pretty good, knock on wood. So the Pittsburgh trip wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, although I spent the majority of the time listening to people talk about hospitals. The first night I was there, I walked through the downtown a little bit and found a lot of people going to various theatrical productions; it made sense, since my hotel was in the theater district. There still wasn't a whole lot to do and I ended up going to bed early both nights, which wasn't a problem because I enjoyed the rare full nights' sleep.

I can't believe it's almost July. This year is flying by. I know I say that every year, but this year it feels like it's going by even quicker. We've got tickets to the Blue Jays-Red Sox game on Saturday, so that should be fun. This will be our first game at Fenway in a couple of years; we have tix for two more games in August.

Some blog fodda:
  • Apple rolled out iTunes 4.9 today, which as promised includes the ability to subscribe to podcasts. I have to say, this thing rocks. It does what Apple does best: takes something that was already being done and does it better. It's so easy to subscribe (one click) and the directory has about 3,000 podcasts, including all the ones I've already been listening to. So I subscribed to those and a few others, like the KCRW show by Harry Shearer. There's also a lot of repurposed crap from mainstream stations like the Morning Zoo with Teddy and Bobo, but that's okay. I guess some people like that shiznitt. All I know is, this is going to open up a whole new world of listeners for these little indie podcasts, and conversely, it will expose a ton of iTunes users to some great content. I highly encourage any of y'all to check it out.
  • Love him or hate him, Jeremy Roenick is one of the NHL's most colorful characters. He didn't do himself or the league any favors over the weekend when he spouted off about the lockout and said, among other things, that anyone who has a problem with the players can "kiss my ass." Of course, after his comments were played on ESPN and nonstop on sports talk radio, he's saying they were taken out of context. Whatever, dude.
  • The Leafs re-signed coach Pat Quinn for another year, which is no surprise. What I was impressed with was the signing of former Hurricanes coach Paul Maurice as the coach of the Leafs' top farm club, the Marlies. He did a good job for a bunch of years with the Canes/Whalers, he's only 38, and he's poised to step in when the 62-year-old Quinn finally hangs it up.
  • The Supreme Court weighed in yesterday with a blow to file-sharing networks like Grokster and Kazaa. Man, sometimes it feels like 2000 again, when I was at the Webnoize writing about the kids stealing the music on the Internet. Other times, not so much.

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