Friday, December 17, 2021

Stuck In Thee Garage #404: December 17, 2021

Sometimes, you've gotta look out for number 1. Carve out a little Me Time. Focus on your inner child. This week on Stuck In Thee Garage, I played songs about self in hour 2. Maybe you can dedicate an entire season to yourself.

I proclaim that this playlist kicks ass:

Hour 1

Artist - Song/Album

Superchunk - Endless Summer/Wild Loneliness

Kim Gordon and J Mascis - Abstract Blues/Single

Artsick - Despise/Fingers Crossed

Ombiigizi - Residential Military/Sewn Back Together

Boy Harsher - Give Me a Reason/The Runner (Official Soundtrack)

Reptaliens - Like a Dog/Multiverse

La Luz - The Pines/La Luz 

Hand Habits - More Than Love/Fun House

Snail Mail - Madonna/Valentine

Goodbye Honolulu - Ultraviolet Stone/Goodbye Honolulu

Geese - First World Warrior/Projector

Chime School - Radical Leisure/Chime School

Black Country, New Road - Concorde/Ants From Up There

Courtney Barnett - Write a List of Things to Look Forward to/Things Take Time, Take Time

Steve Gunn - Circuit Rider/Other You

Good Morning - Wahlberg/Barnyard

Hour 2: Self

The Beatles - I Me Mine/Let It Be

Frank Black - Hang On to Your Ego/Frank Black

Matthew Sweet - Sick of Myself/100% Fun

Peter Gabriel - No Self Control/Melt

Sonic Youth - Self-Obsessed and Sexee/Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star

Spoon - Let Me Be Mine/They Want My Soul

A Tribe Called Quest - Ego/We Got It From Here...Thank You 4 Your Service

Courtney Barnett - Crippling Self-Doubt and a General Lack of Confidence/Tell Me How You Really Feel

Sebadoh - Defend Yr Self/Defend Your Self

Motorhead - I Got Mine/Another Perfect Day

Moaning - Ego/Uneasy Laughter

Big Ups - Atheist Self-Help/Eighteen Hours of Static

Black Beach - Ego Death Ritual/Shallow Creatures

Fake Fruit - Stroke My Ego/Fake Fruit

Flaming Lips - Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell/Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots

Guided By Voices - Ego Central High/Sweating the Plague

Infinity Girl - Around Me/Harm

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