Monday, December 13, 2021

Completely Conspicuous 579: On the Bubble

Part 1 of my conversation with guest Jay Breitling as we discuss our favorite music of 2021. Listen to the episode below or download directly (right click or "save as").

Show notes:

- Recorded at Clicky Clicky World HQ

- Fully boostered podcast

- We've been to concerts

- Some shows have been postponed or canceled

- Physical media is disappearing

- Vinyl shortage

- We're still doing our Internet radio shows (Parcheesi Radio, Stuck In Thee Garage)

- Tiktok is becoming a way to break music

- What the f are NFTs?

- Our favorite music, starting with the ones that didn't make our top 5

- Breitling: Mogwai, Lilys reissue, Fievel Is Glauque, Spirit of the Beehive

- Kumar: Ducks Ltd., Courtney Barnett, Jeff Rosenstock, Black Country New Road, Dry Cleaning, Fiddlehead

- Breitling: Stomp Talk Modstone, Floating Points/Pharoah Sanders/London Sympathy Orchestra, Palberta, Kiwi Jr., Colleen, Fog Lake

- Kumar: Chubby and the Nuts, Mdou Moctar, The Bevis Frond, Sleaford Mods, Colleen Green, TV Priest, Bachelor, Shame

- To be continued

Completely Conspicuous is available through the Apple Podcasts directory. Subscribe and write a review!

The opening and closing theme of Completely Conspicuous is "Theme to Big F'in Pants" by Jay Breitling. Voiceover work is courtesy of James Gralian.

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