Friday, December 03, 2021

Stuck In Thee Garage #402: December 3, 2021

It's important to get off on the right foot. This week on Stuck In Thee Garage, I played great album openers in hour 2. They get you in the mood to get in the cage. Right, guys?

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This playlist will lead to high praise:

Hour 1

Artist - Song/Album

Just Mustard - I Am You/Single

Papercuts - A Dull Boy/Baxter's Bliss

Ovlov - Cheer Up, Chihiro!/Buds

Generationals - Mercy/Ileana

Snail Mail - Ben Franklin/Valentine

My Morning Jacket - Love Love Love/My Morning Jacket

The War On Drugs - I Don't Wanna Wait/I Don't Live Here Anymore

Sun Atoms - Two Wolves and a Lamb Voted on What's For Dinner/Let There Be Light

Beach House - Pink Funeral/Once Twice Melody

Courtney Barnett - Turning Green/Things Take Time, Take Time

The Dodos - The Surface/Grizzly Peak

Parquet Courts - Marathon of Anger/Sympathy For Life

Alex Orange Drink - It's Only Drugs (Limerence)/Everything Is Broken Maybe That's OK

Chime School - Dead Saturdays/Chime School

Hour 2: Album openers

Dinosaur Jr. - Out There/Where You Been

New York Dolls - Personality Crisis/New York Dolls

Nirvana - Serve the Servants/In Utero

Television - See No Evil/Marquee Moon

The Gun Club - Sex Beat/Fire of Love

The Twilight Singers - Martin Eden/Blackberry Belle

Elliott Smith - Speed Trials/ Either/Or

Interpol - Untitled/Turn On the Bright Lights

PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love/To Bring You My Love

Elvis Costello - Welcome to the Working Week/My Aim Is True

Joe Jackson - On Your Radio/I'm the Man

Pavement - Summer Babe (Winter Version)/Slanted and Enchanted

Prince - Sign O' the Times/Sign O' the Times

Run the Jewels - Yankee and the Brave/RTJ4

The Clash - The Magnificent Seven/Sandinista!

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