Sunday, August 29, 2010

Halfway Home

Time for a marathon training report: I just completed week 9 of my 16-week training program for the Baystate Marathon (Oct. 17).

Instead of doing the Furman FIRST 3-day a week program this time, I tried to shake things up with a Runners World program that advocated a more gradual buildup of long runs, but more running during the week. I liked the fact that I wouldn't be doing 20-milers in the dead heat of summer, and I still like that. But the extra mileage eventually got to me and I started noticing some shin and knee pain in recent weeks. As a result, I've dialed back to three days a week and my legs are feeling a little better.

Part of the problem also stemmed from the fact that my shoes were getting worn and my orthotics were totally shot, so the impact was really getting to me. I just got new orthotics on Tuesday; I'll start running with them this coming week. I plan to get new shoes soon as well.

I started doing speedwork a few weeks back and plan to keep working on that at the Beverly HS track near my house. I switched gyms in Marblehead this summer and that has hampered my running a bit because I didn't know any routes from the new location, and because it takes longer to get there so that cuts into workout time. But the office is moving to Danvers in a few months and the building has a gym with showers, so that problem will be resolved.

We've had cooler weather the last few weekends, which helped with long runs. I did an 18-miler yesterday and although it warmed up by the last hour, my time was still basically the same as the 17-miler I did a few weeks ago. I've got a couple of 20-milers coming up the next two weekends, so hopefully I'll luck out again. We've got a bit of a hot stretch coming up. It's 90 outside right now. I feel like my fitness level is pretty good, but it definitely can get better.

Also on the horizon is Reach the Beach, which should be a lot of fun, and then the Wicked Half Marathon. Then I've got one last big run before tapering down before the marathon.

Looking ahead to the spring, I've pretty much decided I don't want to do a marathon. I think I'll take a break and just run shorter races and maybe a half or two. Then perhaps I'll do another marathon next fall. Perhaps.

Run Runaway:

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