Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Let Me Lie to You

Happy Groundhog Day! Checking in after a long weekend in New Jersey. Sunday night saw the broadcast of an annual occurrence I've grown less and less interested in over the years: The Grammy Awards.

Apparently, Beyonce won a bunch of awards and there was a tribute to Michael Jackson, and Taylor Swift and the Black Eyed Peas were there and who really gives a crap. Well, I guess somebody does because the Grammy ratings were up 35% this year. But don't count me in among that group. I saw about 30 seconds as I was changing channels.

Award shows in general don't interest me, except for the Oscars and Emmys, but even with those I often disagree with the results. But the Grammys are especially annoying because there's so much great music out there that doesn't get recognized or appreciated; instead, we see whatever bands have the most marketing money spent on them by the labels. Which is fine, but don't expect me to watch.

I'm perfectly content to listen to what I consider great music. The last few days, I've been listening to a lot of Afghan Whigs stuff, mainly their classic albums Congregation and Gentlemen. If you haven't heard them, you should. And if you have, you know what I'm talking about:

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