Friday, December 11, 2009

New Fang

Hey, there. Just blogmafying away in my living room...on our new laptop. We used part of the proceeds of the Maxima sale to purchase an HP last night. Nothing too fancy, just something that we can use whilst in other areas of the house than our so-called "computer room." So far, so good. It was relatively easy to hook it up to our wireless network, unlike the laptop we got for Deb's mom last Christmas; it took me literally hours to set up the router and network and then more hours several months later when I had to do it again (lots of time spent on the phone with a customer service rep at Linksys). Luckily, it worked like a charm this time. We also got a wireless printer, but I haven't set that up yet, so maybe I should just shut the hell up.

Deb and I took a lot of the headaches out of this holiday season by opting to have the laptop serve as our Christmas gift to each other. Shopping for the girls is already done, so we won't be schlepping around the malls over the next two weeks.

We picked up our tree last weekend at a tree farm in Georgetown and decorated it with the girls this week. The Christmas season is in full swing around here. It's fun to see the wonder in their eyes. The only thing that will make them happier is if we get some snow before Christmas. In the meantime, let's enjoy a fine holiday classic:

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