Friday, September 04, 2009

Take Me Out

Another long weekend is here. We're down in NJ until Monday. It was kind of a whirlwind of a week. Deb and Hannah started school this week, while Lily had her kindergarten screening and orientation but doesn't start officially until next Tuesday.

I was only able to run once this week. After getting a run in Monday after work, I suddenly developed a super-tight right hamstring on Wednesday and was really hobbling around yesterday. Felt a little better today but chose to lift instead of run, so I'll do 5 tomorrow and 10+ on Sunday down here. Reach the Beach is only a few weeks away. It was tough not to run much this week because it was truly beautiful out.

It was a fantasy football-dominated week. My draft Tuesday took place after work in a conference room. We had 14 guys in the league. I took Adrian Peterson, Phil Rivers and Pierre Thomas as my first three picks; I think I have a decent team. Last night was my second draft, but it was complicated a bit by the fact that an hour before we were to start, my nephew Timmy broke his arm and Matt and Tricia had to take him to the ER. Since they're both in the league, things were up in the air, but we ended up doing the draft an hour later because another day wouldn't work for everyone. This is a 10-team league and I took Maurice Jones-Drew with my first pick, Peyton Manning as my QB and Darren McFadden as my second RB.

I'll check in later in the weekend.

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