Friday, April 03, 2020

Stuck In Thee Garage #315: April 3, 2020

If you're like me, this pandemic has got you listening to a lot of music. It's also got me thinking about picking up my guitar and making ungodly sounds again. This week on Stuck In Thee Garage, I played songs about playing in a band in hour 2. Just make sure you've got your band's name figured out before you get the all-clear to start jamming again:

This playlist does not feature Herman Menderchuk, sadly:

Hour 1
Artist - Song/Album
Moaning - Make It Stop/Uneasy Laughter
Drakulas - Dark Black/Terminal Amusements
Charly Bliss - Supermoon/Supermoon
Throwing Muses - Dark Blue/Sun Racket
Pearl Jam - Never Destination/Gigaton
Eldridge Rodriguez - There's No Control/Slightest of Treason
Childish Gambino - 53.49/3.15.20
Greg Dulli - The Tide/Random Desire
Porridge Radio - Lilac/Every Bad
Drive-By Truckers - Babies In Cages/The Unraveling
Eddy Current Suppression Ring - Shoulders/All In Good Time
Dogleg - Watortle/Melee
Jonny Polonsky - Take Me Home/Kingdom of Sleep
Beach Slang - Nobody Say Nothing/The Deadbeat Bang of Heartbreak City
Caspian - Circles On Circles/On Circles

Hour 2: Playing in a band
David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust/The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars
Paul McCartney and Wings - Rock Show/Venus and Mars
Ty Segall - Break a Guitar/Ty Segall
Drive-By Truckers - Road Cases/Southern Rock Opera
Tenacious D - Kyle Quit the Band/Tenacious D
McLusky - Fuck This Band/McLusky Do Dallas
AC/DC - Let There Be Rock/Let There Be Rock
Don Babylon - Started a Band/Foul!
White Reaper - The World's Best American Band/The World's Best American Band
Hunx and His Punx - Baby of the Band/Hardly Art sampler
The Smithereens - Behind the Wall of Sleep/Especially For You
The Stone Roses - She Bangs the Drums/The Stone Roses
Piebald - All You Need is Drums to Start a Dance Party/If It Weren't For Venetian Blinds It Would Be Curtains For Us All
Kim Mitchell - Diary For Rock 'N Roll Men/Akimbo Alogo
Sloan - Money City Maniacs/Navy Blues
PUP - If This Tour Doesn't Kill You, I Will/The Dream Is Over

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