Friday, July 03, 2015

Trust Fund Challenge #13: Goldengirl (1979)

What's not to like about Goldengirl? Plenty, actually. But it's a fun watch. On this installment of Trust Fund Challenge, Ric and I have fun dissecting this piece of 1979 fluff that was designed to make leggy chanteuse Susan Anton a star and coincide with the jingoistic fervor around the U.S. athletes participating in the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Neither of those things happened: Anton made a few more movies before becoming better known for TV cameos and a regular nightclub act in Vegas, and the U.S. pulled out of the '80 Olympics to protest the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan.

Still, the movie has a lot of unintentional hilarity, including James Coburn's cheeseball sports agent, Curt Jurgens' Cherman doktorr, and of course, the suspension of disbelief required to believe that Susan Anton could be a world-class sprinter. We have a great segment during the musical montage in which we translate the real meaning behind "Love Theme for Goldengirl" or whatever the hell it's called.

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