Friday, July 10, 2015

Stuck In Thee Garage #88: July 10, 2015

It's hot. Sticky hot. Africa hot. Okay, not Africa hot, but it's hot. This week on Stuck In Thee Garage, I played songs about water in hour 2 to help beat the heat. It's not the same as air conditioning, but it rocks nonetheless.

The Costner-curated playlist:

Hour 1
Artist - Song/Album
Waxahatchee - Under a Rock/Ivy Tripp
Philadelphia Collins (feat. Ellen Kempner) - Sofa Queen/Derp Swervin'
Mac McCaughan - Box Batteries/Non-Believers
Metric - Cascades/Pagans in Vegas
Wolf Alice - Your Love's Whore/My Love is Cool
La Luz - Don't Wanna Be Anywhere/Weirdo Shrine
Grave Babies - Something Awful/Holographic Violence
Shannon and the Clams - Corvette/Gone by the Dawn
ThinLips - Gemini Moon/Divorce Year
SWIVS - 2 Credits 2 Continue/Free Period Blood Money
Viet Cong - Pointless Experience/Viet Cong
Pinecones - Do Not Move/Sings For You Now
Grounders - Fool's Banquet/Grounders
Sick Sad World - Keep It Real/Fear & Lies
The Prefab Messiahs - Weirdoz Everywhere/Keep Your Stupid Dreams Alive
Jawbreaker Reunion - Beer and Loathing/Lutheran Sisterhood Gun Club
Run the Jewels - Early (feat. Boots)/Run the Jewels 2

Hour 2: Agua
Modest Mouse - Ocean Breathes Salty/Good News for People Who Love Bad News
Scarce - Ocean Blue/Tattoos and Parades
Matthew Sweet - The Ocean In Between/Kimi Ga Suki Raifu
Queens of the Stone Age -I Sat by the Ocean/...Like Clockwork
Jane's Addiction - Ocean Size/Nothing's Shocking
Divine Fits - The Salton Sea/A Thing Called Divine Fits
And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead - Inland Sea/The Century of Self

Soundgarden - My Wave/Superunknown
Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks - Water and a Seat/Pig Lib
Los Campesinos! - The Sea is a Good Place to Think of the Future/Romance is Boring
Yuck - Middle Sea/Glow and Behold
The Jesus Lizard - Seasick/Goat
The Fall-Outs - Out at Sea/Summertime
Ted Leo and the Pharmacists - Six Months in a Leaky Boat/Tell Balgeary, Balgury is Dead
Kyuss - Capsized/Blues for the Red Sun
We Were Promised Jetpacks - Ships With Holes Will Sink/These Four Walls
U2 - The Ocean/Boy

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