Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Dig Me Out

Gotta hand it to Mother Nature. She's kicking our collective butts this winter. One big storm after another, just like the good ol' days before global warming was a thing. I don't think getting a lot of snow necessarily disproves global warming, just as having a superhot summer doesn't prove it. But certainly we're getting whomped like we haven't in a long time.

I'm so thankful my company made the move from Marblehead to Danvers in December. Now instead of a 30-minute commute turning into 45 or worse, it takes me 10-15 minutes to get home during a storm via less-traveled back roads. I'm digging it.

Speaking of digging, I've had my fill of friggin' shoveling this year and it's not letting up. The mountain of snow in my backyard (because there's nowhere else to throw it) is starting to look like the mashed potato sculpture in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. The aliens should arrive soon.


Dig me out:


d. brigham said...

Wow, I can't believe "Dig Me Out" is that old. Great song. Have you been watching "Portlandia" with Carrie Brownstein? Very funny.

Jay said...

I have Portlandia on the DVR. Quite the career shift for her.

Stuck In Thee Garage #570: March 7, 2025

Monarchy seems like such an outdated notion, but there are still kings out there and there are certainly world leaders who want to be kings....