Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Crash Years

And so I venture further into my 40s...

Yesterday, I turned 43. I know I say this every year, but I don't feel old. If it wasn't for the damn gray hair, I wouldn't look that old.

The only thing that makes me realize I'm getting old is the continual passing of milestones, such as my 25th high school reunion (which will unofficially take place next month. Unofficial, because apparently nobody was able to get an actual reunion together, so a bunch of us are just going to meet up for drinks up in Kingston) and just hitting 15 years at my current company.

And of course, my life has changed dramatically in the last eight years or so since we started having kids. My priorities are different now and that's a good thing. But I don't plan on becoming an old man any time soon.

Neil knows what I'm talkin' about:

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