Sunday, April 19, 2009

Before Departure

Well, I plan on hitting the sack soon because I've got to rise early tomorrow to leave for Hopkington and the start of the Boston Marathon. I'm feeling pretty good. The sore throat I was whining about on Thursday disappeared the next day. I took it easy this weekend, only going out for an easy 2 miles this morning. I went in to the race expo yesterday to pick up my number and assorted stuff; it was pretty packed. Earlier this evening, we met up with some friends in the North End to have a nice carbo-packed meal. Good stuff. At any rate, if you want to follow my progress tomorrow, just go to the Boston Marathon site and use the athlete tracker feature. There should be updates on my times every 5k (3.1 miles). The weather looks like it will be good for running, so wish me luck.

I'll be writing a first-person column for the Salem News on my race experience for Tuesday's paper, so I'll be sure to post the link here.

I also wanted to congratulate my good friends Jay and Amy on the birth of their daughter Chloe, who arrived three weeks early a few days ago. Everyone's doing well and my daughters are looking forward to introducing her to the wonderful world of princesses at some point in the near future.

Stuck In Thee Garage #528: May 17, 2024

There are rock legends, and then there is Steve Albini. In addition to his work in bands like Big Black and Shellac, he worked as a producer...