Friday, November 23, 2007

The Drama You've Been Craving

I'm sure most, if not all, of you are spending today in a post-Thanksgiving Day haze after inhaling tons of turkey, ham, Tofurkey, Sham and assorted side dishes and desserts (except for my Canadian homeys, who already had their T-giving last month). Not me. I haven't even had my Turkey Day yet. Yesterday was rather anticlimactic. I got up, ran the Salem Wild Turkey 5-miler (finished in 36:03, a new PR), came home and helped clean the house for the arrival of my bro-in-law Matt and his family from NJ. But the expected turkeypalooza never happened because my mother-in-law had to work yesterday, so we're having the big meal today. The rest of the day yesterday just felt like the day before Thanksgiving; we ate lasagna and watched football, but it was weird. Right now, Deb, Tricia and Deb's mom are out hitting the Black Friday sales; they were out the door at 4 a.m., I think. Me, I was sleeping.

I did do some shopping yesterday. I had a Best Buy gift card that my brother gave me for my birthday, so I went online and bought a camcorder. It'll be shipped here; it wasn't available at the local Best Buy and frankly, I'm glad I didn't have to go down there yesterday. But that should be fun to play with when I get it in a few days.

So yeah, I changed the look of the blog after a few years. I actually didn't really have a problem with the old look; I just wanted to update a couple of features, but I guess I had one of the old Blogger layouts and needed to update to use the new features. In the process, I lost a bunch of my links, so I need to go back and find those and add them back in.

NaNoWriMo update: I'm still plugging away, with close to 27,000 words done (equates to more than 60 pages in Word). How people write 1,000-page novels is beyond me, right now. Of course, they probably devote more than a couple of hours a day to it.

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