Monday, September 17, 2007

Our Life is Not a Movie or Maybe

Word up. It's feeling kinda fall out there, with temps getting rather cool overnight. Although it's supposed to creep back up into the 80s later this week. I headed out for a 15-miler Saturday after we had some rain in the a.m. and then got caught in the second part of the storm front; I was fairly soaked by the time I got back. Oh, well.

Yesterday, I worked with the Striders at the Nahant 30K race, directing runners at the turnaround point in Lynn just after mile 16. It was a nice day, both for the runners and for me to stand in one spot for a couple of hours. It's a tough race, with all the hills in Nahant. By the time I saw those runners, a lot of them were looking pretty ragged. At least they didn't have to run in 80-degree temps like I did the two times I ran that race. That was just brutal.

Traversing the InterWeb:
  • Man, if you got away with the crime of the (last) century, wouldn't you just go hide away on an island somewhere? Not if your name's OJ.
  • Crazy week for the Patriots. Belichick is fined half a million and team $250,000 and the team loses its first-round draft pick, everyone speculates that the team's a fraud, and then the Pats come out last night and totally destroy the whiny San Diego Chargers, who looked like a Pop Warner team. It won't make the whispering and allegations go away, but it gave a definitive answer about how good the Pats are. Obviously, there was wrongdoing to gain a competitive advantage, but you still have to make the plays.
  • Beware the escalator if you're wearing Crocs. If you don't know what Crocs are, they're those dayglo rubber clogs that plenty of kids (including mine) wear and even some adults. Apparently, there have been some nasty accidents where they've gotten caught in the teeth of escalators.

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