Friday, August 24, 2007

Safe Beats Sorry Out Again

Friday has arrived quickly, as I knew it would. We haven't had great summer weather this week, but it hasn't been awful, either. I'm not complaining about it, but Deb was hoping to get to the beach once or twice. It's supposed to get hot and humid today, but it's still kinda hazy out.

Deb did some prep work at school yesterday while I took the girls up to NH, where they hung out with my mom while I had lunch with an old UNH buddy of mine in Portsmouth. Then I visited another friend who's just become principal of a middle school in Rye before going back to get the girls.

On Wednesday, I ran in the Lynn Woods Relay with the North Shore Striders. We had a bunch of four-person teams running 2.5-mile legs through Lynn Woods Reservation; the first mile was pretty much entirely uphill and rocky. I finished my leg in 18:16, which wasn't bad. My team was in the Men's Open and was near the bottom because we were up against some really fast teams, but the Striders won some medals in the older age categories. I've been a member of the Striders for a few years but haven't done a lot of club events, so I was rightfully given crap by some of my friends on the club. There's another relay coming up in December that I hope to run in.

Fiddle faddle:
  • Memo to drunk husbands sitting naked on the couch watching TV: Next time, don't forget the fireproof underwear. Yowza.
  • So Nicole Richie served exactly 82 minutes in jail yesterday for driving under the influence of drugs. The sheriff said he was following federal guidelines designed to reduce prison overcrowding by releasing the pregnant pinhead early from her four-day sentence. Still, it makes you wonder how much time you'd spend in jail for the same charge. I suspect it wouldn't be a paltry couple of hours.
  • Penguins star Sidney Crosby is branching out with his own Reebok fashion line in Canada, including shoes and gear for the ladies, the ladies. What's next, a line of face care products for men? Oh wait, Jeter's got that covered. What happened to athletes endorsing light beer?
  • It has been 40 years and counting since the Leafs last won the Stanley Cup, but here's a cool story about how a member of that last championship team was reunited with his Cup ring. Guess those clowns with the metal detectors on beaches are good for something after all.

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