Monday, August 08, 2005

Bad, Wicked World

Quick post tonight, just checking in after a weekend away. We went to Joisey again, for my nephew Danny's 4th birthday bash. Thirty kids were at this shindig, and yet it all went off without a hitch thanks to his mom's amazing talent for party planning. It's one thing to plan a party for adults, but to keep a horde of rambunctious kids (mostly under the age of 5) happy and occupied is no easy feat. Tricia has no peers in this area of expertise.

Since the end of last week, I've been battling what I believe is my first sinus infection. Not fun. Nothing but headaches and congestion. I might have to break down and see the doctor for some drugs or something.

This and that:

  • Deb and I had a good time at the Sox-Royals game Thursday, which the Sox won 11-9 in a pitcher's duel. Our seats were awesome (right field box, near the foul pole and about 30 rows from the field), the weather was nice, and the game was exciting, if a bit sloppy. The Sox scored eight runs in the fourth on two hits, five walks, and an error. I felt bad for the poor lone soul in a George Brett jersey, hanging on to the good ol' days when the Royals were one of the dominant franchises in the league. Now they just suck-diddly-uck.
  • Sad to hear of the death of ABC News anchor Peter Jennings of lung cancer. I don't usually go out of my way to praise newsreaders, but Jennings had more depth than some of the others in my view. He will be missed.
  • Guess John Bolton will fit right in at the United Nations. What in the name of Boutros Boutros-Ghali is going on there?
  • A new study says men don't listen to women well because they can't hear female voices as well as male voices. That still doesn't excuse this bozo, who I suspect won't be getting any for a long, long time.

Okay, like I said, a quick one. Back with more tomorrow.

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Stuck In Thee Garage #571: March 14, 2025

I've never understood the fascination with the British royal family here in the U.S. Wasn't this country founded to get away from th...