Friday, July 08, 2005

Don't Let the Bastards (Get You Down)

I suppose we shouldn't be surprised anymore when things like the London bombings happen. It's all part of living in this big, dangerous world. We're constantly told we should be prepared for anything. And yet, it was surprising, and horrifying, and tragic. I checked in with my old college buddy Slander, who works for People magazine in London, to see if he was all right; turns out he's busy covering the aftermath. Even when it's half a world away, yesterday's bombings definitely remind you that you never know when it could all end. Cheerful thought, I know.

REM were in London to play a concert this weekend; they're arguably bigger across the pond than they are in the U.S. these days. The show was cancelled, but the city invited them to stay another week and have it next weekend.

Other stuff:

  • MTV was universally slammed for its lame-ass coverage of Live 8 last weekend, which was replete with annoying VJ blather, stoopid celebrity interviews, commercials up the wazoo, and the occasional concert footage. The network took so much heat that it plans to rebroadcast the concerts, sans crapola, this weekend. Good.
  • The LA Times got everyone's hopes up yesterday with a story about the NHL and NHLPA reaching a tentative deal, but the league and union quickly denied it. Nevertheless, both sides are creeping closer to a deal, possibly as early as next week.
  • The International Olympic Committee yesterday put the kibosh on baseball and softball at the 2012 Olympics, reportedly because of the lax steroid policy in MLB. Some reports are painting it as a European vs. American situation, but the fact remains that there are plenty of folks in Latin America and Asia who are disappointed as well.
  • People are really getting creative when devising new ways to use an iPod. Sheesh.

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Stuck In Thee Garage #571: March 14, 2025

I've never understood the fascination with the British royal family here in the U.S. Wasn't this country founded to get away from th...